Biblioteca Riccardiana

It is located, along with the Biblioteca Moreniana, in Palazzo Medici Riccardi.
Among its other works it possesses an apocryphal version of Leonardo's Libro di pittura and a Confessional by Lorenzo, Leonardo's brother, a wool merchant in Florence who died in 1531. The Codex Riccardianus 2275, "Precetti della pittura di Leonardo da Vinci. Manoscritto originale di Stefanino della Bella (1610-1664)" [Precepts on painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Original manuscript by Stefanino della Bella], was published by Pagani and Grazioli in Florence in 1792.
In the "Summario" [Summary] (Ms. 1920) by Biagio Bonaccorsi, Chancery Assistant to Machiavelli, we find the plan for deviating the Arno in 1504, at the height of Riglione, toward the Stagno di Livorno, as planned by Leonardo.

Texts by
Alessandro Vezzosi, in collaboration with Agnese Sabato / English translation by Catherine Frost