The website La Toscana di Leonardo invites you to visit the innumerable locations in Tuscany that testify to the artist’s life and work. The site offers a rich repository of information arranged so that you can conduct your own exploration of the multi-faceted genius of this artist and scientist. An archive of 161 data sheets on places that Leonardo da Vinci is known to have visited, or where he studied, or worked on important commissions, may be freely consulted. This repository is enriched by more than 1000 images, including reproductions of 4 maps of the region drawn by Leonardo himself. The geographic coordinates and descriptions of about 500 locations are provided and can be accessed by clicking on sites of interest on the map. Finally, La Toscana di Leonardo offers 21 itineraries for tours of places associated with Leonardo, as well as links to other sites for more detailed information.
The website can be consulted by computer or mobile phone, and offers a handy resource for those wishing to explore Leonardo’s life and activities, whether through the virtual tours or during the course of an actual visit to Tuscany (which will be facilitated by a link between the website and the navigational app on your mobile device).
The site La Toscana di Leonardo was created and realized by the Unione dei Comuni Circondario dell’Empolese Valdelsa in collaboration with the Museo Galileo, and with the support of the Comitato Nazionale per la celebrazione dei 500 anni dalla morte di Leonardo da Vinci, the Regione Toscana and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.